Sunday, February 1, 2015

Skank turned rescuer

Tammy Woods forgot to mention the vicious LIE she created and circulated.  Isn't that libel?  When you sully someone's rep, create a false and misleading rumor to defame them and keep the LIE going? Woods knows what she did, so do many others including her fellow LEO's, they were all disgusted she kept this lie going.  She should be punished. Sued into the ground and maybe her shitty police department for letting this skank get away with the LIE. That goes for her Number #1 shit talker, Rose Hirst dispensing the "Moody threatened a cop" bit too. Compulsive liar. The definition of such a liar is interesting, it fits both Rose Hirst and Tammy Woods to a T:

Control and Manipulation

People will sometimes lie because they want something they wouldn't be able to get otherwise. The lying continues because the person craves the attention and thrill of getting away with it or in an attempt to manipulate the victim of the lies even further. Sometimes, they use "gas lighting," a technique where they convince others that their realities are incorrect and only the liar knows what "really happened."

Rose knew better too. In better times she admitted she knew Tammy was a boozing, lying whore. Those gutless freaks that jumped on the beat-Moody-down wagon had no integrity either to involve themselves in such a revolting LIE.  They knew about Wood's dramas.

Dog Rescues huh? Do they know what a venomous bitch you are Tammy Woods?  What a revolting ho you used to be known on AOL service, a whore who used her police position to run her boyfriend(s), their ex girlfriends and anyone you hated on in chat rooms behaving like a school girl scorned?  Do they know this at Whispering Woods Animal Rescue???